Lakeleigh is 16 months I remember the feeling of your head resting on my chest for the very first time, reaching down after a scary delivery, with a NICU team rushing in and stroking your head. We waiting for you for so long. We prayed for you, You sweet girl… you completed our family. Now […]

  • Jenay - These outfits are absolutely adorable!! I think Annapolis is very lucky to have you around for photography. So glad you baby girl is doing so well!ReplyCancel

  • Brie - This post absolutely melted my heart! You are without a doubt my favorite Annapolis newborn photographer! I love your heart and your talented equally! You give so much of your heart to your clients! <3ReplyCancel

Meet Zoe | Annapolis Newborn Photographer This sweet little girl was such a joy to photograph. Not only is she the cutest mix of snuggly baby rolls, and a side smile.. but she was so laid back and sweet as could be. I had a great time chatting with her parents while I posed her […]

  • Shayna - These photos are ABSOLUTELY precious, Sarah!! Beautiful beautiful photos that will be treasured for years to come. I have some friends in the Annapolis area and I will definitely point them your way when it comes time for their newborn photography session.ReplyCancel

  • Alyssa Bouma - OH my goodness that smile! These are great. I would definitely recommend you as a Annapolis newborn photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Erin - Wow! As a wedding photographer, I’m always amazed when I see beautiful newborn photos, because I have no experience or skill set in that area of photography. You are clearly a very talented Annapolis newborn photographer, because these images are not only adorable but tack sharp and edited perfectly! Amazing job!ReplyCancel

  • jiyeon - as a new mom, these are just so precious! you are an amazing Annapolis newborn photographer!! every new mom needs to hire you!ReplyCancel

  • Laura - Oh my goodness – all the sweet faces this baby makes! If I was in Annapolis, I would for sure reach out. Newborn photography is such a special gift/skill. Not all photographers can do it.
    These are just lovely.ReplyCancel

  • Emily Moore - Okay, that smile in the first two images is priceless!! Seriously — she is the sweetest little thing! I love the image of her in the crate. The textures are amazing, and she is just too cute!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah - Zoe is darling! I love these little smiles you captured! I’ll definitely be referring friends in Annapolis your way!ReplyCancel

  • Erinn - Ahhh I think I totally fell in love, you’re so right her cheeks are squishy perfection. Excellent work, your talent as a Annapolis newborn photographer shines through the images.ReplyCancel

  • Hilary - I love that little smirk she has!
    Question, what size of background fabric do you use? I’m a newbie newborn photographer and trying to get my props!ReplyCancel

    • - Every size is different really, I always try to go bigger so I can double up!ReplyCancel

  • Anel - What a sweet baby girl and those rolls!!! I just love the way you capture babies. I am still so in love with the photographs you captured of our own little newborn. I couldn’t have picked a better photographer in Annapolis!ReplyCancel

  • Laurie - What a sweet baby. You are an amazing Annapolis newborn photographer. It would be so much fun to take baby pictures.ReplyCancel

  • Hannah Giddings - Oh my gosh, she’s perfect! That little smile is so sweet! I love it <3 Sarah you are a fantastic Annapolis newborn photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Mariana - Oh my goodness she’s so precious! Wish I was living in Annapolis when I was looking for a newborn photographer. So lovely!ReplyCancel

  • Dawn - Ahh she’s so squishable! I just love her! The all white canvas is totally my fave too. Possibly because of the wee little smile she gave and melted my heart. You should totally change the title from Annapolis Newborn Photographer to Super Awesome Baby Whisperer! Amazing work ❤ReplyCancel

  • Rannela - Those cheeks! Oh. My. Gosh. These images are absolutely stunning! I’m expecting in October and I was hoping to find an Annapolis newborn photographer to capture this special time for us! Are you accepting any sessions?ReplyCancel

Mantheiy Family | Annapolis Family Photographer I met this sweet family on the beach a few weeks back for their family portrait session. I loved working with them and their sweet new baby Torie. Not only were they incredibly kind and such a great group to be around, but look at baby Torie’s hair…and if […]

  • Je-Nay Welkish - This Annoplis family session on the beach is so sweet and the lighting is spectacular. I love seeing your work. Annapolis is lucky to have you around as a amazing family photographer.ReplyCancel

  • Sarah D. - Torie’s hair has me feeling ALLLLL the heart eyes! What a cute little newborn she is, and how lucky are you to be her photographer in Annapolis!ReplyCancel

  • Amanda Buckthorpe - Gorgeous work! I especially love the beach shot. You are the best Annapolis Newborn Photographer I know.ReplyCancel

  • laura - Oh my this is the absolute most precious session! I love your newborn & family photography Sarah! Do you ever travel for sessions? I have a friend that’s about an hour outside of Annapolis that’s pregnant and wants to do a newborn session when baby arrives!!ReplyCancel

What I want my girls to remember | Annapolis Photographer Sometimes I wonder if I am getting it right… this parenting gig. I want to raise kind humans, who stand up for what is right, and work hard and treat everyone fairly. There are some days that I think its getting through to them, the […]

  • Genny Kishwel - This is so true! As parents it’s so important to raise tiny humans into compassionate strong adults and it can be so scary! What a great read! Love seeing your Annapolis Photographer work always!ReplyCancel

Wright Maternity Session | Annapolis Newborn Photographer I recently met up with Linda and Kevin in downtown Annapolis Maryland for their maternity portrait session. I had chatted with Linda on the phone multiple times before our session, talking about wardrobe, and make up and weather. Our first session we had to reschedule due to some […]

  • reina - OH MY GOODNESS!! this is stunning!! I cannot wait to see the newborn session!! <3 Annapolis is darn lucky to have a photographer like you!! <3ReplyCancel

  • liz Cleland - These make me wish I had a pregnancy shoot. These are so wonderfully done!ReplyCancel

  • Kelly - I did not look this good when I was pregnant. She looks stunningReplyCancel

  • aprill - Oh my goodness, she is a stunning momma to be! I adore all of these maternity pictures! You are such a talented Annapolis maternity photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Hollis Stair - I love her wardrobe selections. Such classic and beautiful dresses for a maternity photoshoot. I bet her newborn photography is going to be precious!ReplyCancel

  • Emily Moore - What a gorgeous maternity session!! That mama-to-be is just beautiful, and they look like a really sweet couple <3 I love the dresses she chose for this shoot! That blue dress is so pretty on her! Love, love, LOVE!!ReplyCancel

  • Melissa Hirsch - These are stunning! If I ever need an Annapolis newborn photographer, I am calling you!ReplyCancel

  • rizelle - love these portrait and she is slaying it!ReplyCancel

  • krysta - What a gorgeous momma! She is absolutely glowing!ReplyCancel

  • Taylor Fisher - What a stunning couple! Her nails are so pretty, too. They’re super lucky to have you as their Annapolis newborn photographer when their little one comes!ReplyCancel

  • Laurie - Your pictures are beautiful. I love looking at newborn photographer blog posts. The pictures are so sweet.ReplyCancel

  • Jasmine - What a gorgeous couple and a gorgeous maternity session in Annapolis. You’re a smashing maternity photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Cori - That blue dress really makes her skin popReplyCancel