Kwinny and Mama | Annapolis family Photographer A few weeks back I had the opportunity to meet up with Kristin and Kwinny for a mommy and me session. It was a gorgeous night outside, and the sun was setting just right. Sweet Kwinny is so stinking adorable, and really loves the camera. She is also […]

  • Jenny - I love this mommy &Me session!! How lucky Annapolis is to have you for family photography!ReplyCancel

  • Alyssa Bouma - these are so beautiful! you are a great annapolis family photographerReplyCancel

  • Erin Witt - These are absolutely stunning! She is going to cherish these images. This Annapolis session is just beautiful, nice work!ReplyCancel

  • Tiara Wilson - This is such a sweet mommy & me session. I am loving the lighting in all of these precious images of them bonding. Annapolis is such a lucky city to have you as a family photographer. <3ReplyCancel

  • Emilyanne - What an adorable Mommy + Me Session. I love that Annapolis light, it adds so much to the emotion in these!ReplyCancel

  • Alekandra - What a sweet mommy and me session! Great job!ReplyCancel

  • Ashley Durham - Such a beautiful mommy and me session in Annapolis!!! Love that golden field!ReplyCancel

  • Emily Moore - What a beautiful and fun Mommy & Me session!! You captured some wonderful images that I know they are going to cherish forever!! <3ReplyCancel

  • Hilary - The lighting is impeccable and I love the contrast between their white dresses and the green and brown nature around them. I always love mother daughter sessions.ReplyCancel

  • Sarah - Such a fun age to photograph! Love your site and love this session; wonderful Annapolis Family photographer.ReplyCancel

  • Valerie - These are all so gorgeous! You are a wonderful photographer! All of the families in Annapolis are so lucky to have you!ReplyCancel

  • Brittany Slaughter - This Annapolis family session is so dang sweet! That light is absolutely gorgeous and you captured their connection perfectlyReplyCancel

  • jamie - Mommy and me sessions are so adorable! Bookmarking for my family in Annapolis when they look for a family photographer this fall!ReplyCancel

  • amy - Absolutely gorgeous photos. The lighting is spectacular, you did a fantastic job capturing all the love. ๐Ÿ™‚ I will definitely keep you in mind for any of my friends looking for an Annapolis family photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Laurie - What a fun switch for this Annapolis photographer to be in front of the camera this time. Sarah Michele – your photos are beautiful and the little girl is adorable.ReplyCancel

Meet Olivia | Annapolis Newborn Photographer Sweet Baby Oliva Jane, you are darling! I mean look at her. Half the time when I am working with these beautiful little newborns I cant help but just be amazed at how beautiful life really is. How blessed we really are, and just what little miracles have been […]

  • Nickme - I love these, those colors are so great. She is such a sweet little one!ReplyCancel

  • Lauren Laveria - What a precious little angel baby!!!! My goodness!!! <3ReplyCancel

  • Kerlyn Van Gelder - What a total sweetie! You are my favorite Annapolis newborn photographer. Too captured such precious moments!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer Cuevas - Your work is absolutely stunning! Wish I lived near Annapolis! You are an amazing newborn photographerReplyCancel

  • april - Oh my goodness! These are so cute!ReplyCancel

  • christie - Such beautiful Annapolis newborn photography! This session is GORGEOUS.ReplyCancel

  • Valerie - She is so precious! I love the pink set, so adorable! You already know you are my favorite Annapolis Newborn Photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Emely - What a sweet bundle of joy! Newborn photography is always so beautiful and elegant. All the blessings and happiness to this new soul <3ReplyCancel

  • Larissa - These are precious- love alll the pops of pink! If I am ever in Annapolis and needing newborn photography I am so looking you up!!ReplyCancel

  • Toya - So precious! I adore newborn photography so much especially stunning sessions like this one. You did a great job capturing her!ReplyCancel

  • Ashleigh - Baby Olivia is cute as a button! I just love the white one in the circle basket, so beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Aida - 1. These babies are so cute 2. Their outfits are adorable 3. You are an amazing newborn photographer in Annapolis! ๐Ÿ™‚ReplyCancel

  • Emily Moore - Oh my word, she is just the sweetest little thing! I especially love that little owl hat ๐Ÿ™‚ That is just too cute!!ReplyCancel

  • Whitney Milton - What a beautiful baby! You got so many different ones, she must have been such a good sleeper ( Or you are SO talented lol). Last one is my favorite! <3ReplyCancel

  • Hannah - How precious are these?! Such a beautiful annapolis newborn session!ReplyCancel

  • Kelly - You take the best newborn photos! I love all the textures and colors in theseReplyCancel

  • Ashley Durham - Oh my goodness, this is such a sweet newborn session!! I love that delicate floral wrap!ReplyCancel

  • Lisa Kingsbury - These newborn portraits are beautiful! I love all of the different props you used. I’m sure little Olivia’s parents will cherish these photos forever!ReplyCancel

  • Kim McIntire - These are so precious! And that’s amazing how much she slept…Yay for babies who love being swaddled ๐Ÿ™‚ReplyCancel

  • Taylor Fisher - She is just captivating! Beautiful job on her sweet newborn photos. The lighting is perfect, as is the setting.ReplyCancel

  • Lizzy - Oh my goodness, Sarah. You’ve done it again! Created the most gorgeous newborn portraits. I’m dying to use you as our photographer when we are in Annapolis again. Once I get the go ahead from the hubby, I’ll be contacting you!ReplyCancel

Happy birthday Kylie | Pasadena MD Family Photographer Ohhhh Kylie!!! This litte girl is gorgeous, and look at all of her hair! She has better her then I do and she is only 1! I remember at her newborn session I couldnt stop stroking her hair when I was posing her, she was so beautiful […]

  • Brie - Her expressions are killing me! SO dang cute! Sarah do you have any openings left for October? We have been searching for a Annapolis newborn photographer for when our peanut arrives and I want you to be it!ReplyCancel

Meet Wesley | Annapolis Newborn Photographer I have recently had the opportunity to capture some of the cutest siblings with their new baby brothers and sister, and I have to say they have been so well behaved. Sometimes when siblings are just a tiny bit older then the Newborns it is hard to capture their […]

Not what but Why | Annapolis Family Photographer It’s never really been that important to me that you know WHAT I do… what is important to me is that you know WHY I do it. Years ago before becoming a full time photographer and building the brand now known as Sarah Michele Photography I worked […]

  • Lynnea - My “why” changed too when I became a mom and it’s neat to read a post from someone with a common “why”ReplyCancel

  • Sharee Davenport - Oh be still my heart, these photos are so beautiful and timeless. Anyone would be crazy to not consider you as their Annapolis Family Photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Alekandra - I love that you spoke about why you do it. BTW, this post will give some people baby fever ๐Ÿ™‚ReplyCancel

  • Ashleigh - Oh my gosh Sarah, thank you for sharing your big WHY with us! As an Annapolis Family Photographer you capture the moments for families they will forever cherish!ReplyCancel

  • Whitney - It’s incredible the similarity we have. I started to think of my photography career differently once I had my daughter recently. I truly believe the WHY is what’s most important- thank you for sharing that.ReplyCancel

  • Jamie - All this, so true! I feel the same way when I watch my babies growing into… not babies, and my heart breaks a little, but also loves to see them running around being their own little people. Great images are treasures!ReplyCancel

  • Valerie - I loved this blog post so much! You are the best Family Photographer in Annapolis. Your clients are so lucky to have you!ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth - What beautiful Annapolis family photography moments! Just lovely!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah - Wow, what an incredible Annapolis Family Photographer! I just love your website and these images are so soft and beautiful.ReplyCancel

  • yasiris - what gorgeous family portraits. If I lived in Annapolis I should would consider you as our family photographer.ReplyCancel

  • Erinn - It is such a special privilege to capture a family throughout all of its stages of growth and I think as an Annapolis Family Photographer you’ve captured that well. I always love looking back at old family photos and I know your families will cherish the memories you create with them for a long time.ReplyCancel

  • EJ - My goodness these are super cute, lovely Annapolis Family Photographer.ReplyCancel

  • Lisa Kingsbury - Having family photos taken is SO important! Families in Annapolis are so lucky to have you as their family photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Alicia - As a new mom, I so appreciate this post! I love your heart for what you do!! And your images are gorgeous on top of it ๐Ÿ˜‰ReplyCancel

  • Audrey - I agree that the why is so important! Your client are very lucky!ReplyCancel

  • amy - Lovely blog post! It really is all about the “why” isn’t it?! I love these photos- you’re definitely an awesome Annapolis family photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Lynn Funk - Yes, Sarah, in a blink of an eye, children grow up and drift away from you as they move toward being who God called them to be. Photos are memories captured in real time, that can last a lifetime. I treasure the photos you captured for our family!ReplyCancel