Meet Liam | Annapolis Newborn Photographer Sweet Baby Liam came into the studio to visit me a few weeks back, he was such a delight. All babies are incredible, but this little guy… he was made for snuggling. He would just curl right up let out a sign and drift right off to sleep! Speaking […]

  • KUSUM BASAVRAJU - OMG you are making me all nostalgic through your pics! Love every single one of these adorable captures.ReplyCancel

  • Meghan - Omg my gosh what an adorable sweet sleepy baby! Such a treat for you, as an Annapolis newborn photographer, tongwt to photograph this little guy!ReplyCancel

  • Hayley - This is so precious! He is absolutely adorable and you did a beautiful job! I’m sure he’s parents are so thankful for your talent!ReplyCancel

  • Elizabeth Weitz - Good this be any more adorable!? You are such a talented Annapolis Newborn Photographer! I loved the ones with him in a basket.ReplyCancel

  • Hanna - Oh these are so beautiful! I love his sweet little smirky smile 🙂 You always such a great job with these swaddled newborn sessions 🙂 You are definitely a talented and skilled Annapolis newborn photographer!ReplyCancel

5 day work less, book more challenge PHOTOGRAPHERS & CREATIVES…. Are you feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, like your list never ends? Are you wishing you had more bookings, or more time with your family, and just can’t seem to get a handle on things. I was there, 8 years ago when I started my business […]

  • Sarah Holladay - I remember feeling that overwhelmed n the very beginning too!! I hope other creatives join in, I love continuing to learn and giveaways! (duh!) Looking forward to the 11th!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah K Davis - This sounds like an amazing way to help burnout! It’s so easy to get spread too thin – can’t wait to see what all is in this work less book more challenge!ReplyCancel

  • Hayley - This is awesome! What a great resource!ReplyCancel

  • Aida - It sounds almost too good to be true! Being more productive is one of my goals. What a cool challenge – and doing it with fellow creatives sounds really appealing.ReplyCancel

  • Jessica - I think running a photography business can be tricky. It is easy to overwork yourself trying to make everything come together. Thank you for creating resources so that doesn’t have to be the case!ReplyCancel

  • Hanna - What an awesome Free offer! I know so many working from home photographers who struggle to get focused and get booked.I also find it always so interesting the different ways people get organized, i may need to join in 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Erin Brennan - This challenge is such a good idea. When you first start a business, you can feel busy all the time but just be spinning your wheels and not actually getting anything done.ReplyCancel

  • Shawn Sawyer - um…yes please!!! I signed up!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah Holladay - Ok girl, you perked my interest!! I’m definitely in a season of needing to buckle down… this is a great idea!ReplyCancel

  • Joshua - This is a fantastic idea for anyone that wants to start photography business! I have several friends that are just started their photography businesses and I would be more than happy to show this blog to them since I feel that they would find this helpful. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Daisy H. - This is a great idea for new photography businesses! It’s such a struggle to start up and this 5 day challenge can help avoid a lot of mistakes in the beginning!ReplyCancel

  • Kara - I’m pretty sure your opening few sentences just described my life. I’ll definitely be checking out your challenge! I think the biggest thing for me is trying to grow my business while still working full-time elsewhere. I’m not ready to make the jump to full-time with the business yet, but could definitely use some tips on how to manage both!ReplyCancel

  • fran jorgensen - I hope your workshop does really well!the best part of the internet is belonging to a community!ReplyCancel

  • becky van straalen - What a wonderful idea! This would be so helpful as I think so many people feel overwhelmed, especially when they are first starting out in business.ReplyCancel

  • Jan F - this 5 day challenge sounds pretty interesting! Gonna pass this information to my friends!ReplyCancel

Emilee Senior Portraits | Annapolis photographer I don’t even know where to begin, Emilee is truly such a sweet girl. Not only is she beautiful, naturally beautiful I should add but her heart is beautiful too. She is incredibly mature and kind. I met her many years back when she was still in middle school […]

Welcome Olivia | Annapolis Fresh 48 session Every fresh 48 session is special to me, I mean not only is it a brand new life entering the world, but its a new family, or family completely changing, it’s beautiful…. it’s a miracle. I had the honor of photographing a Fresh 48 session in Annapolis for […]

  • Lacy - Beautiful. Just beautiful. Photographing these sessions has to be so rewarding. 😍 I wish I lived in Annapolis so you could be our newborn photographer. I’ll just keep coming to your website for inspiration.ReplyCancel

  • Anel - You did a beautiful job capturing this Fresh 48 Session! And that video made me tear up thinking about when my babies were that tiny!!! You are an incredible newborn photographer and every expecting mama in Annapolis should have you document these special moments for them!ReplyCancel

  • Jamie - Absolutely LOVE Fresh 48’s! You captured these so beautifully and naturally. Images they will cherish forever!ReplyCancel

  • Jess - Happy first Mother’s Day to this beautiful family! I love the idea of a fresh 48 done right after the birth of the baby. I also love the name that they finally landed on with her. It seems to suit her. Sweet little Olivia.ReplyCancel

  • fran jorgensen - This is so different form your studio work! I love the variety of images that you are able to provide your client! They will treasure these no doubt!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah Holladay - Oh my goodness, welcome sweet little Olivia! She is absolutely precious and I love that the family chose to do a fresh 48 session… these moments are so fleeting! Lovely work!ReplyCancel

  • Alicia Yarrish - Oh my word, so precious! I just have to know… is that a metal detector anklet? I had my kiddo outside of the US and there wasn’t much in the way of security measures, but I haven’t seen that yet! Just curious about it (and bracing myself for what to expect with baby number 2 when we go back to the states)ReplyCancel

    • - I call them baby low-jack… they are alarms, so the baby cannot pass through the exit doors, they cut them off upon discharge.ReplyCancel

  • Erin - I absolutely love this Annapolis Fresh 48 photo session! What a beautiful family. They will cherish these precious photos forever.ReplyCancel

  • Lindsay Zilke - I love fresh 48 sessions, so much more than posed newborn sessions! These really show off this Annapolis family and their beautiful new addition!ReplyCancel

  • Jill M Houser - You’re in Annapolis! Awesome! This Fresh 48 is gorgoeus. Everyone should document this. It’s such a huge moment and they grow up so fast.ReplyCancel

Dear Dr. Sweeney, I don’t even know where to begin or if I can adequately express my thoughts in an understandable manner. It doesn’t seem real, that you could be gone. I feel like I hardly knew you, while at the same time I feel like I knew you so very well. While you saw […]