Annapolis Family Photographer | Mommy Me Portraits

Annapolis Family Photographer | Mommy Me Portraits

Every year around mothers day I get very excited to launch another round of Mommy and Me mini Sessions. They are very sweet portrait sessions that showcase the tender love between and mama and her babies, it captures that cuddles, and hand holding, and smiles, and laughter, but whats even more important is that it captures MOM.

That may sound crazy that its more important to me to capture mom then it is her kiddos but the truth is, Mom is hardly is not never in front of the camera and generally if not always behind it. Mom is usually the one grabbing her DSLR, or her iphone to capture images of whatever is happening, birthdays, first day of school, first tooth, first promo you name it mom is there with the camera, and its rare to see her in the photos with the children. What am I saying here? I do not think you should stop taking as many clicks as you can of your kiddos, dont ever stop documenting. What I am saying is, MOM’S GET IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA!!!!!

As an Annapolis Family Photographer I try my hardest to try and get moms and dads involved in all the portrait sessions, even the ones that started out just for their children. You see, it would be a sad, sad moment for you children to grow and begin searching for photos with you and them in the image only to find maaaaaybe 1 and its not even that great. In 100 years from now, all that will be left is the photos that were taken, they will be the memories, that will be held near and dear, and looking at them will be a cherished moment. You children.. they DO NOT care that you still have that nasty 10 pounds to shed, or that your hair is frizzy, or that you planned to buy the right outfit but after 30 stores just couldnt seem to find it. They dont care if everyone is looking at the camera and for that matter is anyone is even smiling, NOT AT ALL… you see in years to come they will jut be looking for the ones with you in them. Walking with them, holding them, kissing them, chasing them, kissing the booboo’s, packing the backpacks, pushing the swing… no matter what is happening in the image your child will LOVE IT, and CHERISH IT… so moms… get in the photos!

Annapolis Family Photographer | Mommy Me PortraitsAnnapolis Family Photographer | Kinder Farm Park Annapolis family photographer Annapolis Family Photographer | Mommy me Annapolis Family Photographer | Maryland Portraits

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