To the mom who doesn’t like photos | Annapolis Family Photographer
I see you, trying your best not to get in the photos, placing your hand over your face, saying ” nooooo I don’t do photos”. Scurrying away whenever cameras are out. You might even be the same mom who scheduled family portraits then arrives and tells me that it’s just going to be the kids today. I get it. I don’t blame you. Sometimes as mama’s we don’t see ourselves as photo ready, and sometimes not even as photo worthy. But, thats a lie. They are all lies. Everything running through your head..
I’m not skinny enough.
I didn’t get my hair done yet.
I don’t have on make-up
These are the clothes I slept in.
I look like a hot mess with spit up on my shirt.
When my Depression gets better.
I think it will be better just for the kids.
It’s going to give me anxiety.
I have nothing to wear.
The kids don’t care if I am in the shot or not……
Stop right there….
Your kids, they do care. They ARE watching you. They hear everything you are saying about yourself. Would you let your little girl say the things you are saying about why you shouldn’t be in the photo.. would you let your son skip out on his portraits? No, no you would not. The truth is, we never feel camera ready…. but, these sweet babies are watching us… they are listening to our excuses. They WANT YOU in the family photo. Why? Because you are sooooo important to them. You are MOM. You hung the moon. You are their biggest supporter. Furthermore.. one day they wont be babies, and one day, sadly you wont be here… they DESERVE to have photo with their mama and them together all in the same photo. I want my children to have photos of me with them together that they can hold in their hands one day, and see the way I loved them so hard. When my girls are mamas I want them to look at a photo of me holding them kissing their face and be reminded that mom didn’t always get it, she messed it up sometimes but man did she love us hard…. and she got in the photos with us.
Schedule your family portraits, and then who cares if you didn’t get your roots touched up, or you still have 10 pounds to loose… get in the photos. When you husband pulls out his cell phone to snap photos of you snuggling in bed with your babies, while you look all hot mess express… dont stop him, you will cherish those photos one day. Get in the selfies with your kids… and while we are at it… get in the photos with your husband too. I want my kids to run across photos of me and their dad and say.. I want a marriage like theirs, look at the way my daddy loved my mommy… I want a man like that. GET IN THE PHOTOS.
Don’t wait until you have met all the goals you have set for yourself, there will never be a perfect day… today is the day… grab those babies and get some photos. Be silly, laugh with them, cover them in kisses, squeeze them tightly. Once day they will be grown and your chance will be gone, dont let this slip right through your fingers… take all the photos… one day they will mean everything to you.
I myself am not exempt from this either… getting in front of the camera with my family is so incredibly important to me…

Thanks to my sweet friend HannahLane Photography for this one!
To the mom who doesn’t like photos | Annapolis Family Photographer
Tavey - This post is spot on. I think most of us feel this way. Thank your for your words. Those newborn photos are precious and the outdoor images in Annapolis are beautiful.
Kusum - Very well said and I completely agree that getting pictures with our babies/kids is definitely important, for them if not for us. Great captures in here.
xx, Kusum |
Amber - This is such great post and amazing images! Yes to encouraging mom’s to be present and allow themselves to be captured in photographs! It’s so hard to not judge ourselves, but it’s so important and these images will be the ones we look back on with so much joy as our children grow. Wonderful work!
fran - This is such a great post! You see…. I am one of those mums …. I screench every time I get in front of the camera … this is a great reminder to let go …
Kym - You take beautiful photos. I love all of the happy familys, you can see the love
Lacey ,Fincher - What a wonderful reminder! Seeing photos with my own mom reminds me why capturing these moments (with me in them) is so important!
Elizabeth Weitz - What a beautiful collection of images of Moms and their babies. SO important to document that love. I hope Moms see this post and are inspired to get in front of the camera more often!
jiyeon - these are so so so lovely! what a great photographer you are! Annapolis is so lucky to have you as their family photographer!
Laura - My mother very wants to have photos taken with her. I think I have about a dozen from my life with her. It’s so important to have yearly photos taken even when you don’t like to be in front of the camera. I need the reminder too.
Stephanie - You are such a talented Annapolis family photographer. Love the way you put your clients at ease. Gorgeous post!
Allison - I love these pictures! Such a great message too!
Maca - I’m a mama of two and after reading this post I wish I had a newborn with me and caputre it all over again.
Loved this;