Feeling Lucky ?


Baltimore Maternity Photographer

Maybe you didn’t get it all right this week, maybe you raised your voice too much, maybe you were late on a deadline, missed the meeting, forgot the Dr. Seuss shirt for school, or overdrew your checking account, maybe it left you not feeling so lucky….

Here is what I want you to do….. take a deep breath, no really do it.. it feels good. Now, when you breathe out let go of all the guilt you are feeling for not measuring up to the standard you thought you may have had… we don’t always get it right… nobody is perfect, and why take all of that with you into the weekend. Take a moment, think about how it happened, how can you adjust things for next time, and then let it go. If you need to call or text someone to apologize, do it…I bet they reply with they had already forgotten about it, or it was no big deal…. If you’re anything like me, just that alone will make you feel better (any other over thinkers in the room?)

Now… fresh start, a weekend to relax, or maybe work, be at the ball fields… but it’s a fresh start with no lingering guilt for not being perfect, none of us are… not even you.

It’s nearly 5:00 on a friday I would love to hear how you are spending your weekend, but for real just hit reply and drop me a line (so I don’t always feel like I am talking to my computer screen) and fill me in on your plans. If your weekend includes nothing fun, well, now is your time to change that…. add something exciting in there!

Speaking of exciting…. Guess what?!?! I got engaged…. I did!!!! Now its the wedding photographers chance to plan a wedding… and I feel so out of place on this side of it!!

And so, mix that along with it being the month of St. Patrick’s day and all things shamrocks and lucky… I am launching a “FEELING LUCKY” sale…

I’m too excited not to share it all with you…. so, whats included in this sale and how does it work…. well, from now until the 15th, all sessions and packages (minus seasonal mini sessions) are on sale… with (1) of each being discounted almost HALF OFF….. but you wont know if you are the lucky one until you email me…. the first one for each of the following gets the LUCKY sale, and then the second one is 25% OFF and then all remaining are still 15% OFF until the 15th.

Wedding…. thats right, its your one chance.
Belly to Baby
Watch Me Grow
Watch Me Grow beyond
Milestone / Cake Smash
Black and white heirloom

Did you know that we are now custom building wedding packages, and Baby packages to meet your wants and needs and to fit better into your budget, and with our associate photographers we have sessions and packages for all budgets and all schedule needs.

READY…. SET…. GO…. Grab your lucky sales now!!!!


Annapolis Newborn Photographer

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