Lakeleigh is 16 months

Lakeleigh is 16 months

I remember the feeling of your head resting on my chest for the very first time, reaching down after a scary delivery, with a NICU team rushing in and stroking your head. We waiting for you for so long. We prayed for you, You sweet girl… you completed our family. Now its hard to remember what life was like without you in it. Suddenly you went from a tiny 6 pound baby with a hospital swaddle around you to a 16 month old running down the halls after your big sister. I want you to always remember how much you are loved and what a joy you are in our lives.

I don’t know how often I will write these updates, but 16 months felt like a big one to me, and you have changed so much!

This month you :
Traveled again, this time to Hershey and you are a champ at staying in hotels now.

Loved the Waterpark, and cried so much to leave it.
Got Hand Foot and mouth but acted like it hardly bothered you even though you were covered with a rash and a fever.
Started running…… and face planting more.
Went to the State fair, and were obsessed with the animals
Started making a scrunchy face to smells that you dont like
Really dont like your diaper and have been sitting on the potty here and there
You still throw up about 3-4 times per week from the most sensitive gag reflex
You wake up anytime from 5:30-7:30am
You nap 2 times a day 9 and 1
YOu go to bed around 7pm
You nurse 3-4 times per day and still wake up once at night…. one day mommy will actually end that 🙂
You lost some weight from being sick and mobile you now weigh 21.5 pounds
You wear size 3 diapers, size 18 month clothes, and size 4/5 shoe
Your favorite food…… all the foods but you really love steak and ketchup on everything.

Happy 16 months to my pretty blue eyed ginger baby!

Lakeleigh is 16 months

16 months Annapolis Family Photographer 16 months Annapolis Family Photographer 16 months Annapolis Family Photographer 16 months Annapolis Family Photographer 16 months Annapolis Family Photographer 16 months Annapolis Family Photographer 16 months Annapolis Family Photographer

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  • Jenay - These outfits are absolutely adorable!! I think Annapolis is very lucky to have you around for photography. So glad you baby girl is doing so well!ReplyCancel

  • Brie - This post absolutely melted my heart! You are without a doubt my favorite Annapolis newborn photographer! I love your heart and your talented equally! You give so much of your heart to your clients! <3ReplyCancel

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