Nora and Finn turn two | Annapolis Family Photographer Nora and Finn are adorable. From the minute they stepped into the studio for their two year old portraits we had a blast. They are so full of energy, and love talking about all things Coco movie, and Toy story… I heard “Woody, Buzz” alot that […]

  • Jan - So cute. Love the light, real smiles, everything. Great job with this one!ReplyCancel

  • EJ - These two are so cute! You captured this stage well. I am sure everyone looking for an Annapolis Newborn Photographer is in the right place.ReplyCancel

  • Olesya - They are too cute! What a what a beautiful portrait! So much fun to watch families grow!ReplyCancel

  • Kate Francher - Stop it, I can’t take this level of cute right now! I love seeing how many kids your photographing in Annapolis, you’re becoming quite the staple in the community there. From newborns to grandparents you do such a good job photographing all parts of families!ReplyCancel

  • Georgia - Could these two be any cuter at 2 LOL!
    You are an amazing Annaopolis family photographer! His little suspenders are too cuteReplyCancel

  • Kalpna Kapoor - They are both so adorable, her expressions are to die for. They are probably very comfortable with you by now as they have been coming to you since birth.ReplyCancel

  • Kathryn - Stop it the suspenders! These are fantastic, and you are clearly a wonderful Annapolis family photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Hilary - Oh my! What cute little ones! You’re a very talented Annapolis family photographer. I always love seeing your sessions.ReplyCancel

  • Laura P - The crying photo is one of my fav’s. I love how it shows that every family photography session has a little melt down with it 🙂 It’s authentic!ReplyCancel

  • Judith - Cute photos of the twins. Wish I lived closer to Annapolis so you could be our family photographer.ReplyCancel

  • Joshua Jones - The twins are adorable! You did a great job of capturing these photos for this twin. I am sure the parents appreciate it so much and frame it at their home.ReplyCancel

  • Teresa - Oh my goodness the pucker at the end from Nora is too cute! I aboslutely love the outfits they are wearing, and the way you lit them! So adorable!ReplyCancel

  • Alicia Yarrish - Oh my goodness! Twins! 😍 Double the trouble and double the cuteness! They made your job as their Annapolis family photographer look easy!ReplyCancel

  • Kira - Such great Annapolis family photography! They are such sweet children and you did a great job capturing their little personalities.ReplyCancel

  • Nicole Blumberg - So cute! Great Annapolis Family Photographer.ReplyCancel

  • Melissa Hirsch - OMG that hat and suspenders! And that teeny dress! I bet as an Annapolis family photographer you had so much fun working with these cuties. Gorgeous portraits!ReplyCancel

Olivia turns one | Annapolis Family Photographer Last week I had the chance to work with Olivia and her mama for her first birthday session! This was the first time I had photographed this pretty little peanut. She came in happy as could be, full of smiles and so much personality and joy! I hope all […]

  • Brie - Oh my goodness! These colors are to die for! What a sweet, sweet girl! I have been following your work for so long, and I am always just so impressed with what you do. If I lived closer to Annapolis, you would be my newborn photographer for sure!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer M Outlaw - Oh my goodness! That is the cutest little purple romper. She looks like she really enjoyed herself. You are an amazing Annapolis Family Photographer.ReplyCancel

  • Brittany Slaughter - oh my gosh! what a sweet session for a one year old! shes too cute!ReplyCancel

  • Natalie Williams - Oh my gosh! So many adorable photos!!! I just love the pink and blue setups! It’s so sweet that you captured her love for books. I know her family just loves all of these photos.ReplyCancel

  • Kara - Oh my goodness what a sweet girl. I particularly love her little tutu and smile. I didn’t know that about the libraries! What a lovely Annapolis Family Photography session!ReplyCancel

  • Andrea - Oh my, what a precious little smile Olivia has, what a sweetheart! Annapolis is lucky to have such a talented family photographer in their midst! Beautiful images of this little lady’s first birthday.ReplyCancel

  • Kristin - She is such a cutie!! I love the pop of colors of backdrops and props…so fun!! You are a fantastic Annapolis family photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Kathryn - Precious girl! I love this session.. you are a fabulous Annapolis family photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Kira - Such great Annapolis family photography. I love her sweet smile and the ones with the pearls. Looks like a really fun session!ReplyCancel

  • Jess - What a sweet little model! I love that you were able to capture her flipping through the book. I bet she will love looking back at these images when she gets older. That’s why it’s so important to hire a family photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Hilary - What a cute little one! I find all these Annapolis family sessions so beautiful and fun! The background colors were stunning and made her eyes pop!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah Holladay - Happy first birthday, Olivia!! These are so fun and colorful, another awesome session for this Annapolis Family Photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Sarah Davis - These are the sweetest first birthday photographs!! I absolutely love the colors and the expressions you captured!ReplyCancel

  • Nicole Blumberg - Happy First Birthday Olivia! They are so fun at that age and such wonderful time to document all of their expressions. You’re a great Annapolis Family Photographer!ReplyCancel

Lucas is 6 months | Annapolis Newborn Photographer Lucas’s mama contacted me a few months back during a holiday sale I was running and enrolled her sweet baby boy in the SMP baby club through the Watch Me Grow baby plan. This means I will get to photograph this adorable little boy every few months […]

  • Jennifer M Outlaw - I love cute little hats on babies and his are just too stinkin adorable. He looks like he had alot of fun with you. You are an incredible Annapolis Newborn Photographer.ReplyCancel

  • Laura P - Oh my goodness, this kid should be in commercials! Is it me or does Annapolis have seriously the cutest kids? I know most people do newborn photos professionally but it’s so nice when they document all the child’s milestones.ReplyCancel

  • Sarah Holladay - Yay! Happy half birthday, sweet little Lucas! This is an adorable infant session… he is so handsome and that last shot with those big gorgeous eyes and smile are just precious! Annapolis is blessed to have you as a Newborn Photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Marie Rood - You’re such a talented Annapolis Newborn photographer! I love the look of these images, you did an amazing job. That baby was the cutest!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer Mills Blume - I love your “watch me grow” baby plan! Amazing that you are an Annapolis Newborn Photography who “grows” with your clients until an amazing cake smash or portrait session! So fun that you get to build that relationship! Plus, this little guy and his hats are just the cutest ever!ReplyCancel

  • Cierra - Oh my goodness, Lucas is absolutely adorable! I haven’t seen many 6 month old sessions, and these are just too cute for words. Those big brown eyes are absolutely breathtaking! You are certainly one of the best Annapolis newborn photographers ever!ReplyCancel

  • Nicole Blumberg - Great Newborn Photography! It’s such a pleasure to be able to document them at different stages of life! You are a wonderful Annapolis Newborn Photographer!ReplyCancel

  • Alicia Yarrish - Oh my goodness those eyes! Lucas is absolutely adorable! I want to be an Annapolis Newborn Photographer just to capture babes like this- ugh, so cute!ReplyCancel

  • Twinspirational - Lucas is such a cute baby and you are a talented children’s Annapolis photographer. His hats and expressions were priceless.ReplyCancel

Casey’s Fitness Portraits | Mantra Fit | Glen Burnie Photographer Recently I had the opportunity of meeting Casey! Not only does she live in my neighborhood but, Casey is also a super fun Physical Fitness Instructor and just recently graduated with her Masters… what an accomplishment right?  She is a super strong instructor who teaches both Yoga and Surf Set […]

  • Judith - I usually follow you for your Annapolis family photography work, so this is a fun surprise. Cool story and what a fun thing to document for your neighbor.ReplyCancel

365 Project 2018 16-31 Well, we are already half way through February and I am not sure how that even happened. I feel like, maybe it’s just me but every year seems to move faster then the one before. Maybe because I am older, maybe because I have small children then I want to keep […]